For fitting transtibial amputations (also known as below knee amputations), different prosthetic constructions are used. In general, a distinction is made between transtibial short- prostheses and traditional thigh sleeve prostheses and side joint bars, which have lost value due to advanced residual limb encasement techniques. Patients with short residual limbs, knee fractures, malfunctions (for example, due to paralysis or false positioning) were restricted in their use. In certain situations, to provide relief, a combination with a tuberosity seat may be suggested.
Short-prostheses, such as joint bar constriction and atrophy, knee joint mobility limitation, losing full contact, etc. The precise encasement of the residual limb, usually provided with a plaster model-based contact socket that covers the condyles, is an important prerequisite for good fitting. For biomechanical alignment, the same applies.
Due to the limited amount of soft tissue-which the prosthetist can handle with the use of different application methods and materials-great demands are made on the fit and function of the transtibial socket.
Transtibial Swimming Prosthesis
This type of lamination resin prosthesis is built as a walking aid that is water-resistant. The pros-thetic shin is fabricated with a complete touch socket and supracondylar suspension, with or without a soft liner.